HT Video Splitter Joiner 2.0 is an easy-to-use program that lets with which you can split a video (play time, number, size, user section setting) and join videos (file to file, section to section, file to section) regardless of the video formats.
Features :
1) Supports AVI, DV-AVI, MPEG, and WMV multi inputs and outputs
2) Supports streaming output (WMV) for Internet broadcasting
3) Multiple video files can be processed simultaneously or in one step. (You can specify a particular section for each file, or specify and edit a number of file sections.)
4) Shows the current position in the video during playback, in units of frames and seconds; allows you to move to any position you want.
5) Displays the video file�s properties in an easy to understand format.
6) Provides a Preview function that allows you to view the edited file before saving.
7) A large file can be split into several small video files (split by play time, by number of files, by file size).
8) Sections being edited or only selected sections you select can be split into a number of files and saved. (The format of each file can be specified.)
9) Multiple small files can be joined to form a single video file (regardless of video formats).
10) Sections being edited or only selected sections you select can be joined to form into a single file (regardless of video formats)
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