
PC Pitstop Disk MD v1.0.14.0

PC Pitstop Disk MD v1.0.14.0

Every day your PC is in use, files are being written and erased from your hard drive. Over the space of days, months and years, your hard drive becomes fragmented. The performance benefits to disk defragmentation can be enormous. We have observed real life systems with files that have as many as 10,000 fragments! In these cases, your hard drive begins thrashing and the time to read a file increases by over a hundred times.
We also discovered that one of the biggest contributors to disk fragmentation is Windows Restore Points. Each and every day, Windows writes and erases Restore Points to your hard drive. Although this provides a fail safe, it also degrades system performance each and every day. Furthermore, Windows does not defragment its own restore points.

# Windows Restore Point Analysis
# Critical File Analysis
# Free space analysis
# Super Fast
# Plain english commentary
# FAT 32 and NTFS compatible
# Detailed printable report and summary

Our analyzer takes a good look at the most fragmented files on your system. Our research indicates that aside from Windows Restore Points, web browsing (Internet Explorer and Firefox) and email (Outlook and Thunderbird) are the heaviest contributors to disk fragmentation. If you use these applications on a regular basis, your system is even more susceptible to disk fragmentation. Lastly, although it is tempting, never read email or browse the web while doing a disk defragmentation. It is defeating the purpose.

To maximize the performance improvement from disk defragmentation, one must do more than run a disk defragger on a semi periodic basis. Routine system maintenance as listed below should always be done BEFORE a defrag, and never after.

-- clearing internet cache
-- deleting temporary files
-- deleting junk mail
-- removing seldom used programs
-- and so on

Disk MD will walk you through each step to squeeze the most performance out of your system. Also, we cannot stress enough the importance of closing all applications during the disk defragmentation.

PC Pitstop has helped millions of computer users through its free and automated diagnostics. Through these millions of interactions, PC Pitstop has developed best-of-breed applications such as Optimize, Erase, and Exterminate. Disk MD continues the tradition.

Application Features and Benefits

* Quick and detailed Fragmentation Scan
* Easy Step-By-Step Wizard Format
* Thoroughly Defragments Window's Restore Points Files
* Defragments Free Space
* Optimizes file location for greater performance
* Easy-to-use Scheduling options
* Provides Detailed list of Most Fragmented File
* Provides insight to your system's fragmentation issues
* Learn more about System Fragmentation
* Supports removable drives

