
Google Adsense Alternatives

In this post we will discuss the alternatives to adsense and adsense alternatives.Sometimes webmasters find themselves in a position when they can no longer use google adsense, This may be because your requirements have changed, Or because you have been banned from Adsense.When this happens you need to change ad provider quickly, Every day you are without adverts is costing you money..Here i will list alternatives to adsense, and tell you a little about them.

Yahoo! Publisher NetworkYahoo have become googles main competition in the PPC service industry. They are a reliable PPC ad provider. At the moment the YPN is only available to American citizens with a valid SSN.If you can get into the YPN it's probably the best and most reliable alternative to adsense.

ClicksorAfter google adsense and Yahoo YPN, clicksor is your best bet.They have been around a while and claim to pay publishers 70% of what advertisers pay for each click.

IntellitxtIntellitxt is run by a company called Vibrant Media. These types of adverts are a little different to the regular PPC contextual adverts. Instead of displaying adblocks on your page Intellitxt puts adverts in your content by displaying a tooltip type adverts whenever your visitor mouseovers on a keyword.

TargetPointTargetPooint offers a few options to webmasters, Such as AdPoint, ExitPoint, ImagePoint, UnderPoint..AdPoint serves contextual adverts relevant to your content.ExitPoint serves adverts to visitors as they are leaving, Like a popunder..ImagePoint will display banners on your page relevant too your content.

AdBrightAdBright works slightly different to other adverts. With adbright you need to get webmasters to advertise directly on your site. So instead of leaving it to the PPC provider to display adverts, People have to like your site, want too advertise on it and sign up. Rates are said to be good though.

ChitikaChitika is a new type of advert, They are sometimes called mini malls. What makes Chitika special is the look of the adverts. It's a tabbed block that allows visitors to move around the adverts on your site. These do tend to have a lower CPC though. While this could be considered a replacement for adsense it's not really an adsense alternative because it's a different type of adverts.

BidvertiserBidvertiser is your ordinary common or garden PPC advert program. What makes it appealing is that they pay through paypal and their minimum payout is just $10. So if you are dropping adsense because you find it hard to reach the $100 mark you should give Bivertiser a go.You should be aware that it is against adsense terms (and most PPC terms) to display competing contextual adverts on the same page. You can test these providers on different pages of the same site, But not the same page.