
Spyware Nuker XT v4.8.97.1815

Spyware Nuker XT, the fourth generation of anti-spyware software produced by Trek Blue, represents hundreds of person hours of hard work by our development and quality assurance team to bring you the latest features and anti-spyware protection available.

Program Features:

  • Improved and easier-to-use interface.
  • Active Protection which tracks execution of every program in the system and notifies you if a program being started is a potential threat.
  • SpyShield to help identify new threats.
  • Integrated support form to streamline technical support requests.
  • INAC Startup Manager to assist you with managing applications that run with Windows.
Download: http://rapidshare.com/files/78608204/Spyware_Nuker_XT_v4.8.97.1815.rar